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Braymore hills of inveress homeowners association

What is the Braymore Hills of Inverness Homeowners Association?

The Homeowners Association is the homeowner-run organization responsible for promoting the recreation, health, safety and welfare of the homeowners, including the improvement and maintenance of the common property. The Homeowners Association is a corporation organized under the Illinois Not-for-Profit Corporation Act for the benefit of the private lots and common property located within Braymore Hills.

Who runs the Homeowners Association?

The Homeowners Association is administered by a Board of Directors comprised of homeowners here in Braymore Hills in accordance with (1) applicable law, (2) the Association’s articles of incorporation on file with the State of Illinois, (3) the Association’s Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions on file with the Village of Inverness, and (4) the Association’s By-laws. The Declaration and the By-laws may be found in the residents-only section of this website.

Braymore Hills is proud of the fact that its Homeowner Association is managed and operated by its homeowner members rather than an outside management company. Not only is it a significant cost savings to all of the homeowners, but it shows the commitment of time and energy of the people who live here.

What are the duties of the Board of Directors?

The Board of Directors performs the duties and obligations of the Homeowners Association required by the Declaration. Operations, such as maintenance, improvements, repairs and insurance on the common areas, are funded out of assessments paid by the homeowners.

How can I contact a Board member?

Contact information for each current Board member may be obtained by clicking on “Board of Directors” from the home page of this website.

Who are members of the Homeowners Association?

Without exception, any lot owner in Braymore Hills is automatically a member of the Homeowners Association. Indeed, before a purchaser buys a lot, he or she must agree to abide by applicable law and the terms of the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions. A lot owner is a member of the Association for as long as he or she owns a lot in Braymore Hills.

How many members are in the Homeowners Association?

There are 147 lots in Braymore Hills, so there can be as many as 147 different members. There are currently fewer than 147, because several homeowners own more than one lot.

How can I get current information about news and events in Braymore Hills?

Homeowners are encouraged to review the information contained in the residents-only section of this website, which contains newsletters, financial reports, minutes of the Board of Directors and other documents. The password for the residents-only section is changed annually after the Annual Meeting of Homeowners in March and is announced at the Meeting, as well as the newsletter announcing election results. Please contact any Board member with any questions.

Corporate matters of the homeowners association

Does the Homeowners Association hold homeowners’ meetings?

Yes. At a minimum, there is one official meeting of the homeowners each year. The Annual Meeting of Homeowners is held in March each year for the election of directors, as well as any other business included in the official notice of the meeting. The Board of Directors may call special meetings of homeowners on specific matters with appropriate notice to homeowners. The homeowners may also call special meetings. The requirements for both are contained in the By-laws in the residents-only section of this website.

When are elections to the Board of Directors and who may run?

The election for the board of directors is held each year at the Annual Meeting of Homeowners on the first Monday in March. Any homeowner in good standing with the Association may run, and the Association gives ample notice to homeowners of deadlines for participating. Currently, the Board consists of five members, each for a one year term. Any homeowner may attend these meetings and is encouraged to do so, as key issues of the Homeowners Association may be presented and discussed.

How many homeowners must participate in an election of directors to have a valid election (i.e., what is the “quorum”)?

In order to have a valid election of the Board of Directors of the Homeowners Association, the Association’s current By-laws require that the owners of one third of the lots (or the owners of 49 lots) submit a mail-in ballot or attend the Annual Meeting of Homeowners in person.

How many votes does a candidate need to get elected to the Board of Directors?

Directors are elected by plurality voting. In accordance with applicable law and the documents of the Homeowners Association, the candidates receiving the nine highest numbers of votes are elected to the Board.

When are meetings of the Board of Directors and who may attend?

Currently, the Board of Directors meets monthly. The dates, times and locations of these meetings are included on the calendar in this website. Please consult the calendar from time to time, as meeting information may change. Any homeowner may attend these meetings to present an issue for Board consideration or merely to find out more about the community or Board operation.

Does the Board of Directors have committees for homeowner participation?

Yes. Every year, the Board of Directors has a number of committees for the direct involvement of homeowners in the ongoing operation of the Homeowners Association (for example, the Grounds and Water Committee). Each committee meets, makes recommendations to the Board and carries out approved actions. Please consult the list of committees and their respective mandates on this website for further information. If a homeowner would like to get involved, he or she should contact the Chair of the particular committee or any Board member. Participation is encouraged!

Assessments of the homeowners association

Is there an annual assessment levied on lots in Braymore Hills?

Yes. Each November, the Board of Directors of the Homeowners Association approves the annual budget and sets the annual assessment for the following year. The formal notice of the annual assessment for a given year is mailed to homeowners in early January and is to be paid in one installment which is due on February 1st.

What is the current annual assessment for a lot in Braymore Hills?

The annual assessment for 2021 is $1,100.00. The annual assessment for 2020 was $1,100.00. For the Association’s collection policy, please see Exhibit A to the By-laws in the residents-only section of this website.

What is the address for payment of the current annual assessment?

Please contact the board for appropriate mailing address. Please make checks payable to “Braymore Hills of Inverness Homeowners Association”. On checks, please include name and lot location.

Are there any limitations on the amount by which the Board of Directors may increase the annual assessment of the Homeowners Association for a given year?

Yes. The Board of Directors may increase the annual assessment for a given year no more than ten percent above the maximum annual assessment of the previous year without a vote of the homeowners, as provided in the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions.

May the Homeowners Association impose special assessments?

Yes. The Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions provides that the Board of Directors may levy special assessments from time to time for capital improvements, assuming the requisite vote of the homeowners is obtained.

Is a particular annual or special assessment the same for each lot in Braymore Hills?

Yes. The Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions requires equal assessments.

For what purposes may assessments from the homeowners of Braymore Hills be used?

The Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions provides that assessments levied by the Homeowners Association be used for the purposes of promoting the recreation, health, safety and welfare of the homeowners, including the improvement and maintenance of the common property.

When a lot changes ownership, is the seller responsible for paying any outstanding assessments? When is the purchaser responsible?

The rule is that assessments are a charge and continuing lien on the lot involved. The purchaser will know the assessment payment status of a lot by seeing a letter from the treasurer of the Homeowners Association indicating if any are outstanding assessments. The split of responsibility for payment between the seller and purchaser of a lot may be subject to negotiation between the parties.

A homeowner is moving or refinancing and requires a “paid up assessments letter”. What is the procedure?

Please call or email the current treasurer of the Association for the letter.

Other community information

Braymore Hills is in Inverness. Why is some mail addressed to homeowners with Barrington as the city rather than Inverness?

The Village of Inverness has not been assigned a separate zip code and does not have its own U.S. post office. According to the post office, 20% of Inverness, including Braymore Hills, serviced by the Barrington post office. The remaining 80% of Inverness is serviced by the post office in Palatine.

When using Inverness in an address to Braymore Hills, the post office advises the use of the zip+4 for the zip code. This informs the postal authorities to route the mail through the Barrington post office rather than Palatine and will aid in avoiding delays.

When is garbage pickup in Braymore Hills?

Garbage pickup service in Braymore Hills is provided by Groot Recycling and Waste Service. The day for pickup is Thursday generally, although pickup may be delayed until Friday in weeks with a holiday. Please call Groot at 1-800-244-1977 with any questions.

In what school district is Braymore Hills located?

Braymore Hills is located in the highly rated Barrington School District 220. The following public schools are in the area:
Grove Elementary School (K-5)
Prairie Middle School (6-8)
Barrington High School

Parochial schools in the area include:
St. Anne’s School (K-8)
Holy Family Academy (K-5)

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